C.A.P. encourages everyone to play their part in our Grassroot Political Movement. The only way we succeed is when the change comes from within. We want to empower you to take an active role. When individuals come together in support of a shared goal, the community becomes empowered and the success of collective action is elevated. We want your voice to be heard and your ideas to make a difference, so join our cause and help make a positive impact.
Learn more about the opportunities available to lend your support.
Wondering how to give back and be a part of a transformative program that helps so many people? It’s always the right time to fundraise and become an invaluable part of our success.
Capitol Accountability Project depends on your commitment to Volunteer in order to promote real change on the ground and in local communities. If it weren’t for the active participation of countless individuals, Capitol Accountability Project would be far more limited.
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with your time and commitment going towards making Capitol Accountability Project an even better Non-Profit Organization.